Saturday, February 18, 2012

President's Day Stories

One of my favorite things about classroom teaching was doing projects centered around read alouds.  I would read to my class and then we would complete an activity based on what they listened to.  There's something sort of magical about having someone read to you so the kids really enjoy it and it increases their listening skills (big plus for everyone involved!).  So, for President's Day I pulled out a couple of stories I had used with my "upper grades" classroom kids (grades 2-5) a few years ago.  You can download each story with a special writing activity included. 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hands on Science - Expanding Soap

A week or two ago Dad sent a link for a project he thought Doodle Bug might like.  Usually these projects are hands on and fun and can be tied into what we are learning about at the time.  Sure enough, it was cool, but on further inspection it's more a chemistry unit than a life science one (although to his credit it did talk about cells).  But, being the lovers of hands on science that we are that didn't stop us (c: 

I made a recording sheet to go with our experiments and you are welcome to use it if you like. (c:  So, the first step is to get your recording sheet and a pencil ready. 

The next step is to gather your supplies.  For the entire process you will need a bar of Ivory soap (yes, you have to use that brand) and a bar of some other soap (we used lever because it's the only bar soap we had on hand); two microwave safe (as in glass, read on to find out why) bowls, a large container for water (or just use your sink if you like) and a butter knife or something similar to help break the soap.

Observe the soaps on the outside.  Compare their physical characteristics (if you have a kitchen scale weigh them, we didn't) - use your senses (except taste, please don't eat the soap).  Now break the soaps open to compare them on the inside.  We had to use a butter knife to start the breaking process.  Don't cut all the way through, though, you need that broken edge to be able to really see the insides.  In our photo above the Ivory soap is on the left and the Lever is on the right.  We noticed small air pockets in the Ivory while the Lever looked like rock layers.

Next, you will want to see what happens when you put the two soaps in water. Make predictions - what do you think will happen when you put the soaps in water?  Fill your container (we used a large tupperware-type bowl, but you can use whatever you like) with water and place the soaps in.  Go ahead and use the broken pieces, it won't effect the outcome at all.

Now for the amazing part of the experiment.  It's time to microwave the soap!  Place a sample of each soap in a microwave safe bowl.  Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes.  You will see that the Ivory soap has a much better reaction to microwaving than the Lever soap.  Caution: That steaming pile of soap is hot - don't touch it or it might burn you. 

When you take the soap from the microwave it will quickly loose it's fluff factor.  You can use this as a discussion point of why this happens - and why the soap fluffs at all.  (Hint: those air pockets trap steam and steam is a magically thing.)

Want to know why you can't use a plastic bowl with the Lever soap?  See that bowl?  When we started this experiment it didn't resemble the surface of Mars quite so much as it does now.  Yeah, microwave safe means glass, my friends.  Also, it's important to note that the Lever bar stunk to high heavens when we microwaved it (yes, I do realize that some of that smell was burning plastic).  We had the window open, the vent fan on and a couple of candles burning to help make the kitchen smell not so much like a chemical facility.  The Ivory soap on the other hand, just smelled strongly like Ivory soap. 

So, in summing things up, you can compare the final product of the two soaps from this experiment.  All of that fluff is from just under one bar of Ivory soap (some of our fluff is permanently embedded into my kitchen rug).  The Lever bar (and it's bowl) are in a freezer bag because, well, they just stunk so bad.  Both soaps are still usable after the experiment is over. In fact, if you have little ones, the Ivory soap flakes would make an awesome sensory tub filler.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Monthly Planning - February

It should go without saying that if a person is going to do monthly planning it should get done before the first day of the month.  I know this, but it always seems to sneak up on me anyway. On Monday I was still dating checks for the 20th and still blissfully thinking I had a few more days.  Nope, sorry, wrong again.  Ugh.  So, now, here I am, the morning of February 1st and I'm working out our monthly plan.

This month I got a little, well, creative and wanted to update our regular lesson plan base.  I found the perfect clip art from Olivia (I just love her watercolor look) and started creating away (c:  I'm sharing our February lesson plan base and calendar with you today - just download, print and personalize.

Download February Lesson Plan Pack

I also though I would share a bit about how it is we actually go about planning out our month - I know I wish someone would have shared this with me when I started homeschooling (c:

First, I add any and all family events and then I look up special holidays for the month - we love celebrating!  Next I check out any special events going on at some of our favorite local educational venues and with Girl Scouts and add those to the mix.  At this point our calendar usually looks pretty full - and this month is no different.  The different colors represent different types of events and obligations - some days almost look like rainbow days on our calendar!

After I have our calendar complete I look for any ideas for unit studies to go along with what we might be doing.  This month at the Wildcat Glades they are offering a program called Raptors Rock and Doodle Bug would like to go, if we can wing it (no pun intended).  That same day is also Uncle Bug's basketball game with Special Olympics and if the times don't work out just right we won't be doing both.  If we make it to the raptor event we might do a lap book or something to go along with it.  Another educational option is the Wonders of the Night Sky program going on at the George Washington Carver National Monument.  That might work into our schedule better and even though it's not animal-oriented I think Doodle Bug would still enjoy it.

I count these weekend field trips as part of our homeschooling - after all if public school kids can count a field trip to the movies as "educational" why in the world can't I count something that is actually educational?  Anyhow, because of this our weekly planner has a Saturday spot too.  This doesn't mean that we home school 6 days a week, it just means that I have a spot to jot down our weekend educational adventures.

After I have planned out any unit studies we are doing I fill in the rest with our regular daily work.  I do unit study plans first because they cover a wide range of subjects and that way I know what subjects I actually need an assignment for on that day.  Our regular daily subjects are: Spelling/Vocabulary, Math, Literature, Grammar/Composition, History, Science and Enrichment.  We have a different enrichment class each day of the week - Fine Art, Domestic Art, World Cultures, Fitness and Technology.  Fine art is pretty self explanatory.  Domestic art could really be called Life Skills, but I've found several schools calling their special ed classes this and don't want to be confusing on transcripts.  Basically, Domestic Art includes a mix of traditional home ec, tech ed and extra things like Driver's Ed.  World Cultures rotates from learning Spanish to learning about other cultures.  Our state requirement for this is hazy at best so we are making sure we cover all our bases.  Fitness is just something to get us active and usually involves a trip to the park.  Technology involves using computers or phone apps (that seems to be the wave of the future) for fun learning activities.  Phone apps are a new addition to this subject so we are just testing the waters with it.

I hope today's post has been helpful. Please leave your comments if you download the lesson planner, I would love to know if anyone else is using it. (c: