Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Life Science Notebooks

I have discovered that I am totally addicted to notebooks (shh, don't tell anyone but really I'm addicted to any sort of school supply, but that, my friends is a whole 'nother matter).  I first found the idea at another blog and started out with a literature notebook for Doodle Bug to keep notes and minibooks together as we do our regular assignments - so much better than the boring review questions.  So, since our literature notebooks have taken on I have decided to start using a notebook for life science to accompany the brand new FREE online textbook we are starting.

You might be saying "Haven't you been doing life science for quite a while now?"  Well, the answer to that would be yes.  BUT, we've not been liking the program so much (anyone want to purchase a very slightly used lot of life science materials - *cheap*?) so I spent my Christmas break looking for something that might better mesh with Doodle Bug's personality.   Much to my surprise not only did I find an awesome book, it's FREE (yes, that's right FREE).  The downfall?  Because it's an online book we need to have very good notes or spend *a lot* on paper and ink to print it out.  I opted for the notes (more work, less moolah).

So, since I'm not too keen on Doodle Bug's note taking skills (again, shhh) I have been taking notes in my notebook and then the next day, teaching her and having her take the same notes.  Somehow this sounds kind of crazy when I write it, but my high school biology teacher did the same thing and I learned a lot from her so here's hoping history might just repeat itself. (Said science teacher is now my across the street neighbor, but I digress).

Since I'm spending so much time with these notes (color coded notes and diagrams don't just happen people) and Doodle Bug is less than impressed with all of the work I'm putting into them I decided to share them with you, my loyal followers (okay, I know, I'm teetering on the edge of the deep end here, but work with me, they are awesome notes).

So, if you would like to follow along with our Life Science study, grab yourself a notebook (ours are hardcover composition books from good ol' Walmart), a bunch of felt tip pens and thin lined markers and join the fun.

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